a warm welcome:

Hi everyone, welcome to the side blog of Miki, this is where she will dump all the HTML tutorials that are belonging to her, unless stated otherwise. Please do read and follow the rules of this tutorial blog, if you don't, I can't guarantee your life.


Owner: Miki the Highness.
Opened on: 2014.
Name: Sugar, Spice and Tutorials!.
Genre: Tutorial, and free blog's layouts.
Tumblr theme blog: themesbymiki.

Rules to know:

What you can do:
You do not need to credit me, but I appreciate it if you do, though. This only applies for personal use.
You are allowed to be inspired by my tutorial but I want a credit for that. No exception.
You are allowed to put my tutorials on your blog to share with everyone, but I want a credit.

What you cannot do:
You are not allowed to copycat my tutorials 100% the same, be fucking original, I see these shits already too much.
You are not allowed to steal my works, and photos of my tutorials then claim as yours. It is a fucking crime of originality.

got question?

I do not do request.
I won't do convert things for you, these messages will be ignored.

the credits are:

Base code: bloodkitty
Inspiration: Sun.
Editor: Miki.
Tutorial: Evan
Credit: scintillantstar.
Resources: 1 2

Header Tutorial (without photoshop).

Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Time: 7:45 PM
Comment(s): 0 comment(s)

Hello everyone, I am back today with a new tutorial which is called Header Tutorial (without photoshop) image.

I know there are a lot of people who are doing really well on photoshop, I really admire those kind of people because I myself can't do the photoshop thingy image. Please don't get me wrong, okay? Besides, please don't say I don't try, okay? I did try to make a header with photoshop, but it was so hard and complicated to do so image. I went through many different tutorials teaching on making a header for the blog, but they all taught to do it with photoshop. However, I finally found two tutorials (that aren't mine, but I would gladly share you all here) teaching on how to make header without photoshop.

The first way of making a header without using photoshop is using Picmonkey instead. The tutorial actually is easy, and all you need to do is clicking this page, then follow all the steps carefully and now you have your very own header without using photoshop at all. Below is my own example to see.

(This is an old picture of mine, my previous url was justmilktea4breakfast)

The second way of making header without using photoshop is using Photoscape. Before heading to the tutorial, please go and download the Photoscape first, then save it somewhere else on your desktop. Now you can go the tutorial, and follow all the steps carefully. However, remember this tutorial is not supporting a transparent header, you can see my example below, though:

(I don't know why the background was grey, when it was supposed to be white, but oh well....) 

These tutorials are really easy to follow, so please, do not sweat out about how hard it could take image. I hope you enjoy this tutorial, and I will see you soon on the upcoming tutorial which is called Domain, or .co.vu tutorial. See ya, everyone ~ image

Resources + credits: here and here.
