a warm welcome:

Hi everyone, welcome to the side blog of Miki, this is where she will dump all the HTML tutorials that are belonging to her, unless stated otherwise. Please do read and follow the rules of this tutorial blog, if you don't, I can't guarantee your life.


Owner: Miki the Highness.
Opened on: 2014.
Name: Sugar, Spice and Tutorials!.
Genre: Tutorial, and free blog's layouts.
Tumblr theme blog: themesbymiki.

Rules to know:

What you can do:
You do not need to credit me, but I appreciate it if you do, though. This only applies for personal use.
You are allowed to be inspired by my tutorial but I want a credit for that. No exception.
You are allowed to put my tutorials on your blog to share with everyone, but I want a credit.

What you cannot do:
You are not allowed to copycat my tutorials 100% the same, be fucking original, I see these shits already too much.
You are not allowed to steal my works, and photos of my tutorials then claim as yours. It is a fucking crime of originality.

got question?

I do not do request.
I won't do convert things for you, these messages will be ignored.

the credits are:

Base code: bloodkitty
Inspiration: Sun.
Editor: Miki.
Tutorial: Evan
Credit: scintillantstar.
Resources: 1 2

Square Face Icons Tutorial.

Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Time: 10:52 PM
Comment(s): 0 comment(s)

Hello friend, I am back (again) to post the very-first tutorial on this blog , and this would be Square Face Icons Tutorial. Wait! You already read this post? Yes I know that! I forgot to tell you on the previous post that my main blog would not contain any tutorial there anymore, so that means that I will put every (old) tutorials on this tutorial blog, which also means that I have to type everything down TT___TT God, please be with me .

Okay, talk no more, now is the time for the tutorial .

Do you sometimes wonder where you could get some nice icons that represent yourself the best? However you can't find any else where, so hold your horses, because I am here to become your savior (lol) to show a page making cute icons for free ~  (I like everything that is free!!)

All you need to do is clicking here then choose any option to make your very own icon. Don't worry, folks. The site has English site so you don't have to sweat out about that, alright? Besides it's really easy to make too!!!

And here are some of my examples:

Aren't they so cute? I think so too. So what are you waiting for? Do it now!!! 

I would like to thank you all for being patiently reading this post ; u ; I will be back tomorrow with a new post of the very first theme/skin/layout on this blog, so please stay tuned for more, okay? See ya ~ 

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